Semiconductor RAM is produced as integrated circuits (ICs). RAM ICs are often assembled into plug-in modules. Some standard module types are:
Single in-line Pin Package (SIP)
Dual in-line Package (DIP)
Single in-line memory module (SIMM)
Dual in-line memory module (DIMM)
Rambus modules are actually DIMMs, but are often referred to (by Rambus themselves and others) as RIMMs due to their proprietary slot.
Small outline DIMM (SO-DIMM). Smaller version of the DIMM, used in laptops. Comes in versions with 72 (32 bit), 144 (64 bit), 200 (72 bit) pins
Small outline RIMM (SO-RIMM)
Various RAM packages. From top to bottom: DIP 16-pin, SIPP, SIMM 30-pin, SIMM 72-pin, DIMM, DDR DIMM.